The Feast of Tabernacles is the major festival of the Hebrew fall harvest season. It pictures the Messianic Kingdom, when Yeshua (Jesus) will reign in Jerusalem and all the nations will come up to worship Him. Because it falls in the season of the final harvest, it hints of the final 'harvest' of souls when God's spirit will be poured out all mankind and they will turn to Him and walk in His ways.
You shall hold a festival for the LORD your God seven days, in the place that the LORD will choose; for the LORD your God will bless all your crops and all your undertakings, and you shall have nothing but joy.
TNK Deuteronomy 16:15

Feast of Tabernacles
Season of Our Joy is a 'Hebrew Roots' observance of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. For eight days we praise YHVH through our actions - prayer, song and dance, Bible study, feasting and fellowship. We hear from gifted speakers who teach us the ways and walk of YHVH, our Father, and who teach us the meaning of this very special time of year referred to by the ancient Jewish sages as "the Season of Our JOY".
SOOJ is held at the Camp Shiloh Retreat just a few miles from Mount Pleasant in Northeast Texas. It is observed in accordance with the traditional Jewish calendar beginning Wednesday evening, October 16 and continuing through Thursday evening, October 24.
We welcome you to share the festival with us!
Below, you will find information pertaining to all aspects of SOOJ. Contact us for more information.
Registration is Closed!
Plans are underway for SOOJ 2025. Details Available SOON!

Yeshua called His disciples to be 'fishers of men' which He later defined as teaching others about the ways of the God of Israel. Yeshua's 'Hebraic' message and walk is largely misunderstood by many of today's Bible teachers. Therefore, there is a need for 'fishermen' who can properly teach 'the Way'; but in order to be a successful fisherman you have to prepare by aquiring the right equipment and learning the relevant skills.
At this year's festival, we are focusing on teaching many of those skills by presenting good Bible study techniques and showing ways to teach His way to those who are 'hungry for 'the word'.
See more on the Teacher's page.
the Festival
Season of Our Joy is a 'structured' festival site with daily scheduled activities including teaching sessions, praise through song and dance, family and group events, games, and late afternoon group meals. Most evenings are left 'open' for fellowship, dance, and midrash.
This year our 'Main Sessions' will focus on using a tool that we've found successful in helping teachers gain confidence in teaching God's word. Using SOOJ's tradition of having interactive Deuteronomy studies, seven of our Main sessions will simply be an interactive discussion of Deuteronomy. We encourage everyone to become a participant in those discussions.
Camp Shiloh Retreat is located on a 25 acre campus overlooking beautiful Lake Bob Sandlin. It is near the picturesque towns of Mount Pleasant, Pittsburg, Winnsboro, and Mount Vernon in north-east Texas. The camp has a private entrance with only one road in and out and is well suited for our 8-day Sukkot festival. Outdoor activities at Camp Shiloh include various water activities as well as ga-ga ball, softball, and tetherball. Housing includes cabins, suites, RV spots and areas for tent camping.
Secure housing through SOOJ. Go to the Housing page.
what is Ami Yisrael?
'Ami Yisrael' is Hebrew for 'my people Israel'. We take the words of God, Yeshua, Moses, the prophets, and Yeshua's disciples seriously. Thus when Paul said "... if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Gal. 3:29) we believe that applies to us. We are not trying to be Jewish, for the Jews are just a small part of the Hebrew people. Instead, we hope to pattern our lives after that of the Hebrew of Hebrews - Messiah Yeshua.
Image Attribution: Corn Field by Paul Orr via Shutterstock; Fishing Net image derived from ; Lulav & Etrog image by Incomible via Shutterstock